
Atlantic Furniture Columbia Knock Down Changing Table Review

Atlantic Furniture Columbia Knock Down Changing Table
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When I was shopping for a changing table, my options were limited since our cribs are in dark walnut. I found this one and wondered if I was taking too big of a chance since there were no reviews, and it was extremely inexpensive. The other ones in dark walnut (that I liked) were around $300, or there were ones that I didn't like for much cheaper. I got it for $[...] on Amazon; since then, I noticed it has increased in price quite a bit. I can see why. This changing table is a very high quality and very sturdy. Plus, it was easy to assemble. None of the pieces came damaged in any way as I have read in other reviews of other products. I am so glad I bought it when I did, but even at the current price of $[...], it's worth it!!
October 10, 2010 - it's now three times what I bought it for. I bought it for 128 dollars. It is not worth three times that. Double - maybe. It's still a fantastic piece of furniture, but now the seller/manufacturer is just getting greedy.

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